Sunday, November 15, 2009


Posting on the weekend is hard, ya'll!

I got home around midnight, made Emily and I grilled cheese sandwiches, watched King of the Hill, took a shower and got in bed around 1 am.

Got up at 8:30, took another shower (you can never be too clean), started a load of laundry, and now here I am, composing this awesome post.

During the first week of NaBlo Fussy just wrote "POST!"; that was pretty tempting for this morning. I guess it's alright for her to do that, ya know, since she invented NaBlo, but I may need to pull that little trick out later this month.

Okay, it's 9:04 and I better get a move on if I want a Hardee's biscuit this morning. When don't I want a Hardee's biscuit?