Friday, April 15, 2011

My My My *updated*

Yeah, I know. My title's are awesome.

My cake:

It's not so pretty. In fact, it's cracked. But it tasted good. And yes, that is box o'riesling precariously close to the edge of the table.

My trash:

We only used 2 sticks of butter, and I think it was all in the cake. Wait, no, one was melted to go on the tortillas for the beef chimichangas. Yes, there was a menu change. Beef Bourguignon is just beef stew. Wasn't feeling it. There was a pint of sour cream and a brick of cream cheese in the bread bowl dip, however. And I woke up and remembered the shrimp, out on the counter all night. Oops.

My new shoes:

They hurt. But they're cute. I need someone to buckle them for me. It wasn't pretty in the Target parking lot.

Since it is still my birthday week, I will make a rhubarb cheesecake and then play dance dance revolution on the wii. I treat myself well on my birthday (week).

**How could I forget to tell you?  Slutty was in charge all day, and finally got naked @ 10pm!**


Rae said...[Reply to comment]

You're weird! lol
Looking forward to meeting you today! I may be running a few minutes late, so stay put.
But I don't think those shoes are gonna be appropriate in this rain!

Bring cake.

Anonymous said...[Reply to comment]

I like this post...almost random but specific, personal and authentic....Three things I value in a blog post. FUN!

you should really turn if the word verification for comments...sooo tedious!

Beth Zimmerman said...[Reply to comment]

Those shoes are adorable! I went shoe shopping online this week. My main criteria was no ties, straps or buckles! I want to be able to put on my own dadgum shoes!

Tours of the Sistine Chapel said...[Reply to comment]

I love the shoes! There is a real art in finding a cute wedge. And that cake does look delicious, in all it's "ugly" glory. What flavor was it?
