Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Drama, Redux

Well, the drama is back.

I cried most of the day Sunday, but I'm done now.

Now, I'm mad, and that is bad news for The Boy Who Would Lie To His Momma.

When my life starts spiraling out of control I clean. My refrigerator shelves are nice and shiny and de-gunked. My pantry is tidy. I've caught the reins of my life again so this insanity can stop! I hate to clean.

On a bright note, the blog that was supposed to be this one may actually start in January. I got tired of waiting for my friend the Metrosexual to start a blog with me so I started my own. He is getting his wireless internet at the beginning of the year so we may actually get to it! Stay tuned!


Rae said...[Reply to comment]

Maybe you could work up a good mad and come clean my fridge...I think there's even a bottle of wine in there somewhere!
Looking forward to the new blog!