Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dave and Buster's

It is just so freakin' cool to be sitting here in Dave and Buster's while my son and his little friend play games and compose a blog post on my frakin' awesome iPad. Had I mentioned that I got one for Xmas? No? Well I did...and the spell check on here is also freakin' awesome. I can't figure how to upload a picture yet, but I will work on that. Just you wait!


Aunt Buckethead said...[Reply to comment]

OK, so does the iPad not come with some sort of grammercheck? Because I cannot determine if you meant that your son and his little friend composed your blog post on your iPad while playing games or if you composed a blog post on your iPad while your son and his little friend play games. Also, frakin' has a "c". Frackin'. Which any Battlestar Galactica fan worth her salt will tell you. Frackin'. Like "
frack you, you frackin' Cylons".
Also, my captcha for this? "EMILINI". How 'bout that? Its her new nickname.
Happy New Year!

Rae said...[Reply to comment]

Glad you're having fun with your iPad- (you spoiled frAkin' wino, you!...:)
Also, I think Aunt Buckethead needs to get her very own blog. I would definitely read it!

Arlee Bird said...[Reply to comment]

Technology is so amazingly cool. I wish I understood more of it.

Tossing It Out

Rae said...[Reply to comment]

Okay. It's been more than a month since you posted. What good is a freakin' iPad if you don't use it to blog? Put down the toys and wine and get some writing done. ASAP!(PS I'm still waiting on that awesome gift!)

Beth Zimmerman said...[Reply to comment]

Yay! Congrats on the IPad! Now listen to Rae and come post some more! Even if I was kind of hoping you had changed color schemes while I was missing! :)

Arlee Bird said...[Reply to comment]

We're going to do another Blogging From A to Z in April. What do you think? Can you handle it?

Tossing It Out and the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011