Friday, December 17, 2010

Best Xmas Present Ever!

My daughter (who is 19) sure knows her mama!


Rae said...[Reply to comment]

Cheers! Here's to a wonderful new year! Love it!!!

Aunt Buckethead said...[Reply to comment]

Hey- There damn well better be a Buckethead Mug or some crap like that for me when I get there. And I just sent Bloggess $$ for her helping people out thing. I hate this warm fuzzy crap but I did it anyway. Get your stalkers to head over there and help some peeps. And you better put pics of the Honyock's giftie when you get it.
Love you, mean it.

Rae said...[Reply to comment]

Just to set the record straight....I am not a stalker. I just love the fact that you spell worse than I do and you can't hold your liquor. :)

Aunt Buckethead said...[Reply to comment]

Yeah, whatever, Rae, but did you go check out the Bloggess link? Its amazing what she has set in motion. Over $25 THOUSAND dollars for people who would not have anything for their families for Christmas. Or for food, or medicine, or heat, or water in some cases. And all from an initial giveaway of twenty $30 giftcards4 days ago. Follow the link and be absolutely completely engulfed in the spirit. And I am not talking about my usual "IHAVEWAYMORE LIQUORANDSARCASTICSHITTHANYOUDO" spirit. I am talking the big S. You know, S- A- N- T -A.
Yes. Virginia. I do believe.

Rae said...[Reply to comment]

Aunt Buckethead, thanks for the heads up! I read the Bloggess and started crying. Yes. Me. The Stalker. It's incredible! I think someone needs to contact Oprah or Ellen or whoever. She deserves an award!
Oh- and Merry Christmas!