OK, first of all...I don't like this laptop.
Second of all?
I got off work at 11, was home by 11:45, and that whole big bottle of wine?
And pre3vacid?
Doesn't work as good as prilosec and I am outta FSA.
And obamacare doesn't include FSA in the reform and I need heartburn relief.
And I'm a democrat, y'all.
I can't turn off italics cuz I drNK THAT WHIOLE BITTLE OFF
Caps off? Yes. Italics???
OMG laptops r hard, y'all.
The HOA really hates us, I think.
Just a quick note from the front-lines of our strange, ongoing battle with
our Home Owner’s Association, who doesn’t think year-round
12-foot-skeletons are...
5 days ago
I agree...laptops r hard. IOt is now 3:19N QM QND YOU HF TI GET up (caplocks off you ninny) at 8:30 so go to sleep. Yes that was good wine and if yo send that thingy in from the bottle $1 goes to cancer reseaqrch and since breast cancer killed your mother AND oops capslock again, you keep feeling that weird lump in your double d bits, hey yio shioyldn't share that heer. Crap.
Have that mammogram and don't drink whine. You heard it hear first, but don't listen to me cuz I'm drunk.
Well, it's funny- but I woke up this morning thinking I should go for a mammogram. It being breast week and all...I go to Good Sam for mine. Wanna schedule one and have some lunch afterward?
email me...AFTER you're sober!
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